
Anya Chernigovskaya is Jenny’s best friend. She and Bogdan Petrovich are the house parents at Safe Haven, the graduate orphan home that Jenny founded years ago. In this photo, Anya is with 3 graduate orphans who live at Safe Haven. They have all been FAITHFUL weekly volunteers who come to cook and clean for 3 days each week. It is a blessing to see these orphans who had nothing, were redeemed and are now paying it forward to another generation. God be praised!

Anya Chernigovskaya is Jenny’s best friend. She and Bogdan Petrovich are the house parents at Safe Haven, the graduate orphan home that Jenny founded years ago. In this photo, Anya is with 3 graduate orphans who live at Safe Haven. They have all been FAITHFUL weekly volunteers who come to cook and clean for 3 days each week. It is a blessing to see these orphans who had nothing, were redeemed and are now paying it forward to another generation. God be praised!

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